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The clothing Domain Name: Why Your Fashion Label Needs It


Choosing the right domain name can come with unexpected challenges. First, there is choosing a name that is short, sharp, concise and easy for the customer to search. Second, there is the chance that another brand with the same or a similar name has already taken it.

Finally, there is choosing the right host, and one that will ensure that your website is amplified through its domain and beyond!

For fashion label owners, one of the ways to simplify your web address selection is to choose the “.clothing” extension. Not only will it tell your customers exactly what kind of content they will find on your website, but it will also tell Google exactly what kind of website can be found on your website, something that is fantastic for your SEO campaign.

With all this in mind, let’s take a look at why your fashion label, online store or wholesalers needs the .clothing domain name:

It has a stylish aesthetic

When you perform domain name registration, you want to ensure that you are choosing one with a stylish aesthetic. This will resonate more with the customer and inform of the fact that your brand is itself an elegant entity (something which is obviously important in fashion!).

With this in mind, the “.clothing” extension has a sophisticated sound that makes customers want to visit your site. Say you run a fashion house called “Volo” (random name, but it’s not the point). Would your customers prefer to see a random web address like “” or something that makes far more sense like “”?

We know which one we would prefer to see. The “.clothing” extension has a sleek and stylish aesthetic that makes it part of your overall branding. Your customers will love seeing that at the end of your web address and will make them want to see what items you have on your website.

Customers will have no trouble finding your site

One of the key considerations when choosing your web address is memorability. You want to make your web address incredibly memorable so that the customer’s will have no trouble finding your website if they read it on the street or hear it through word of mouth. We’ve all been in a situation where someone has told us a web address of a brand that we wanted to visit and we’ve quickly gone to search it on our smartphones upon departure.

Now, imagine if your fashion brand had a random extension that made it difficult for your customer to remember. They would quickly forget and start searching your fashionable competitors’ websites for the garment they seek.

So, why not make it easy for the customer by enlisting a “.clothing” web extension? Your customers will have no trouble remembering your web address as they will only have to remember your brand name and the easily-memorable “.clothing” extension.

Google will likely reward you for it, too!

Search engines like Google love being able to tell what kind of content can be found on a website. One of the ways it does this is through your web address. Therefore, the “.clothing” web extension is perfect for telling Google exactly what kind of content can be found on your website.

They will find it much easier to index your website and this, in turn, can mean a higher SEO ranking for your website!

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