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NANO Hearing Aids VS Costco VS Phonak: What reviews say


According to reports by the World health Organization (WHO), the prevalence of debilitating hearing loss will increase to 900 million people by the year 2050. The need for both affordable and effective hearing aids will increase concurrently.

Numerous hearing aid brands are around and they each have unique benefits. However, reviews from real consumers can be used to ascertain which stand out from the others. Thus, we’ve compiled a comparison guide on Nano, Costco, and Phonak by looking at their price, the technology they use, and where they can be obtained. These are the features that most reviews focused on when ascertaining the true value of a brand.

Nano Hearing Aids

Since the company started, NANO Hearing Aid Reviews have been mostly positive. One of the primary barriers that stand between those who suffer from hearing loss and effective hearing aids is financial in nature. It’s no surprise then that Nano hearing aids have proven popular with so many consumers.


Prices range between $379 and $997 and Nano hearing aids are one of the most affordable brands to be found. This is especially true when one considers the quality of their products.


Nano makes use of innovative technology without charging an arm and a leg for it. They make use of a Nano app which also offers hearing tests which will then result in adjustments to the hearing aids themselves.

Where they’re available to buy

Nano hearing aids are also unique in where they can be bought. They can be found online without you having to first visit an audiologist designated by the hearing aid brand. Online there is a free hearing test so that you can see what model will help you the most.

Costco Hearing Aids

Costco offers consumers numerous hearing aids at prices that aren’t exorbitant. Reviews find that the fact that they provide in-store services and hearing aid specialist’s aid is the most significant benefit. Costco hearing aids are prevalent in the United States of America and have proven very successful.


Depending on the brand and level of technology that is required, the prices do range considerably. However, the cheapest pair that you can get is about $1,499, but they also have expensive pairs which go for approximately $3,500.


However much they try to bring you the latest technology available on the market, most models are still a bit outdated. Most often, Costco is unable to get the newest hearing aids as they become available. Rather, they only start selling them after a couple of months.

Where they’re available to buy

In order to buy them, you need to be a Costco member after which you make an appointment at a local Costco Hearing Aid Center. A hearing test will be administered and a suitable brand will be recommended.


Phonak has been around for more than 70 years, and it’s known as the world’s biggest hearing aid brand. They have an abundance of models available according to the level of hearing loss and the unique features required. Consumers appreciate their technology, but have found more satisfaction with other brands.


Phonak hearing aid prices range from $1,367 to $3,964 per pair depending on the chosen model. However, the rechargeable models most often come with a 5% price increase.


In 2018, Phonak was the first hearing aid brand to release a hearing aid which can stream audio directly to and from other Bluetooth-enabled audio devices. They continue to strive to use the best technology to improve the everyday lives of those who use their products.

Where they’re available to buy

Phonak hearing aids are only available for purchase after there has been a face-to-face consultation with a hearing aid specialist. They do offer a free online hearing test, but note that they reserve the right to refuse sales to someone who hasn’t visited an audiologist.

Overall Impressions

All of the brands which have been reviewed and compared have their own benefits and the reviews substantiate that. There is no doubt that hearing aids will continue to play a big part in the lives of those who struggle with disabling hearing loss, but for them to truly benefit from them a balance will need to be reached between affordability and effectiveness. Still, there are other brands available such as EarGo. In order to really see what is best for you, it remains a good idea to have a look at a considerable amount of reviews and see what is best-suited to your own needs.

Although buying inexpensive hearing aids online may seem intriguing, they may come with long term damage. Be sure to purchase from a reputable brand which has numerous reviews from satisfied consumers who have used the products.

Learn more about the effect of technology on the medical field, on this website:

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