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Essential Tech: 5 Things Every Long-Haul Driver Needs


 Long-haul driving in Australia is risky business. There are long stretches between stops and plenty of places to get lost. The last thing you want is to be caught out in the middle of nowhere. It’s the stuff of horror movies: man drives into the outback, car loses battery, man finds band of strange-but-friendly locals…

But seriously, getting caught out in the outback is a concern. This, among other road safety risks, are reasons why your vehicle must be equipped with safety equipment, including the following:

1. Chargers

You need quality Enerdrive chargers on the great Aussie road. The last thing you want is a flat battery in the middle of nowhere. Not only will your car start to falter, but it almost always leads to a breakdown. This is not a good reason for a long-haul driver to have a breakdown. Come on – you knew better – and you shouldn’t be wandering down the highway trying to find a signal. Enerdrive chargers can ensure that your car battery is always charged. With its “set-and-forget” technology, it will ensure that it only charges at the right time.

2. Car light bars

Australia’s highways are often poorly lit. Unfortunately, darkness is a leading contributor to accidents on the country’s roads. Long-haul drivers are especially at risk from poorly lit roads due to the length they drive in some pretty dark places. Therefore, their companies should always invest in top quality car light bars to ensure their vehicle is highly visible. There is no excuse for a fleet company to overlook their driver’s and other people’s safety by excluding proper lighting. Long-haul vehicles should be fitted with proper light bars to ensure a great level of safety.

3. First aid kit

Australia is infamous for wild things happening on the roads. Thankfully, modern technology has made it easier to locate lost drivers. However, this doesn’t mean long-haul drivers should go without a first aid kit in their vehicle. A first aid kit equipped with everything from bandages to dressings, eye pads and more. The last thing you want is to experience a bad cut on the road without any way to stop the bleeding – it’s a dangerous nightmare!

4. Mobile phone signal booster

Getting stuck in the middle of nowhere without a signal can be life-threatening. Your car is susceptible to breakdowns. However, this doesn’t mean your mobile phone has to be without signal. Seriously, signal boosters are some of the most welcome technology in long-haul driving. They can help give your phone a signal even when it seems like you’re hours from the nearest town. Long-haul drivers across the country are equipped with this fantastic technology and for good reason – it can save lives!

5. Charging bank

On mobile phones, running out of battery whilst breaking down could be fatal. You need both a charging bank and signal booster to ensure that in case of emergency you have a fully-charged phone with a working signal. There could be nothing more important than the ability to call emergency services in the event of a breakdown. So, don’t overlook this imperative modern technology when taking to Australia’s grand highways – it could really save your life!

So, is your vehicle equipped with these essential safety features? If not, it’s time to seriously consider installing them. They can all make a huge difference to your driving safety. What’s more, they can help you get out of one of those jams that make Australia’s roads so notorious the world over.

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